FREE Autism Screener Questionnaires for Kids
For many people, online autism screener questionnaires are one of the significant first steps in their self-discovery journey for themselves and/or their child. The following includes pros and cons of 5 Children Autism Screener Questionnaires. These can be helpful both for self discovery/identification and for those considering a medical diagnosis.
As a disclaimer, any instrument should be considered one data point and doesn’t substitute medical evaluation.
Measures autistic traits in children aged 18-24 months
Pros: Questions can help parents know what to look for and monitor
Cons: Not cut-off score and includes many stereotypes
This is an experimental screening tool based on the current DSM-5criteria based on the DSM-5 criteria for autism.
Pros: Assesses different domains & ability to mark areas of historic difficulty
Cons: Ableist language and includes many stereotypes
Middle Childhood - Childhood Autism Spectrum Test (CAST)
Parent Questionnaire for children ages 5-11.
Pros: Has a variety of questions
Cons: Yes/No format and may miss social kids
Middle Childhood - Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ)
This screening is known for its properties in capturing the broader range of autistic traits in children aged 7-16.
Pros: May help identify kids that were misdiagnosed
Cons: Ableist language & professional jargon
Pros and Cons source: @mrsspeechiep