FREE ADHD Screener Questionnaires
For many people, online ADHD screener questionnaires are one of the significant first steps in their self-discovery journey for themselves and/or their child. The following includes pros and cons of 5 ADHD Screener Questionnaires. These can be helpful both for self discovery/identification and for those considering a medical diagnosis.
As a disclaimer, any instrument should be considered one data point and doesn’t substitute medical evaluation.
Pros: It is highly sensitivity, meaning it captures a high percentage of ADHDers, & widely used across many populations and has been validated in clinical research
Cons: Moderate specificity, meaning some people with conditions other than ADHD may falsely screen positive.
Measures ADHD traits present in childhood.
Pros: Captures childhood traits (demonstrating the presence of ADHD in childhood is necessary for a diagnosis.
Cons: Many of the items focus on outward behaviour & may miss high-masking ADHDers and ADHD-inattentive type.

The WFIRS captures impact on functioning in 6 different domains that are often impacted in the context of ADHD.
Pros: Helpful for capturing areas of needed support & the only functional impairment scale that looks at domains specific to the ADHD population.
Cons: It may miss people who have developed sophisticated compensatory strategies; no automated scoring options & deficit-based measurement.
This is not specifically an ADHD screener, rather it measures different forms of impulsivity which is often present for ADHD-hyperactive and ADHD-combined type.
Pros: Breaks a person's impulsivity down into three different areas (motor, self-control, non-planning)
Cons: Helpful for measuring trait impulsivity but it is not ADHD specific

For children 6-12. The Vanderbilt is a parent reporter test. It screens for ADHD (all subtypes), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder & Anxiety / Depression.
Pros: A widely used screener for children aged 6-12
Cons: This screener also screens for oppositional defiant disorder & conduct disorder. These diagnoses can be harmful & contribute to neurodivergent kids being misunderstood (particularly BIPOC ND children).
Pros and Cons source: Neurodivergent Insights